Monday, April 3, 2023


 As promised in my last posting, this isn't a filming post. Instead I'm focusing on the most recent post I made to the Instagram account for the film. Last week I made this post introducing the world to Trent Marley with a portion of the show during the 3rd scene. When I made that post I already had it in mind that I wanted to make another post introducing the world to Eric. 

Likely for me during the 2nd night of filming on my own at night I got a few good shots that didn't quite fit with the flow of the edit, (at least in terms of imagining the edit by looking at my story boards). I filmed those shots wider than I would've liked so that I can zoom in, in post to create movement in the frame to a subject that isn't moving. I also had it in mind that I'd have the music from the show playing and right before the drop I'd cut to the logo, but there was a slight issue... The logo I had for the film was a still image.

I first thought of just adding a static video beneath the already made logo and changing blend modes to make parts of the image transparent as to show the video underneath, but that half worked and still looked weird. I also noticed how the text itself felt lifeless. It was around this point that I got reminded of the VHS Flicker effect that I used for the Trent Marley Show logo, so I added the effect to the text and then have it sit atop of a cool static background in Premiere Pro. I had also added another flicker effect that gave a bit more color to the final video.

With the idea in mind of including the music from the film, I knew I wanted to make the video have a seamless loop of some kind (below I linked to a post the loops seamlessly and as a result maintains viewer retention).The sound opens loud and proud, followed by a brief calmer bit, and then it kick starts the verse with a drum fill, so I decided to use the drum fill as something to transition back to the very beginning and it worked

This newest post of mine really helped to solving the problem of my logo being (for lack of a better word) static, so this style for the logo may likely be the kind I end up using on the postcard for the film and in the process I made a cool post. This post if currently the best received post of the account with 22 likes and 9 comments; it was also cool enough to make people repost the Reel on their stories to reach a wider audience. I even got a private message of someone asked how the heck I got the shot which I thought was really nice. The post is below if you want to see, and if you haven't already follow @WhatYouWatchFilm

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It's been a while...

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