Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Social Media Strategy

Up until this point I've post twice to my social media page, @whatyouwatchfilm on Instagram, on a 1 post per week bases. While slow at the moment I do plan on ramping up activity the closer I get to the release of the film; another benefit of this strategy is that the closer I get to the release, the more material I have to work with. 

Since my social media account is the most prominent reference for my brand, at least until I release the final film and postcard, I want to be very thoughtful about what I post on there. At the moment with the two posts and the profile picture I've established that blue hues are going to be reoccurring throughout the rest of the social media and brand. I also want to establish aspects of the film that will be prevalent for the film, such as it's harsher lighting, locations, props, and characters. And if I can for these posts, I want to make use of the medium and tools I'll be using for the actual short film. 

For my second post for example I wanted to share that the script for the film was seemingly done and ready for production. Often when a director makes a social media post teasing the completion of a script they usually take a causal looking photo and share it to their personal social media account; for this production though I wanted to take the idea of teasing a script's completion, but go a step further with making the post seem fitting with the rest of the brand. 

For the script cover tease, I placed it on the floor of the location I'd be filming in as Eric's TV Room and I wanted a source of light to be projected on to it as if it were the TV. Initially, I set up a GVM flat panel and cast a blue light on the coming from above the top of the page, but I didn't like the simplicity of it, nor the fact that it just looked like a blue light was above it rather than a TV casting light on the floor. I then remembered about my PVO Projector and set it up to cast the image of a static TV screen on the script cover. After taking the photo and with a bit of Photoshop trickier, I was able narrow the cone of light "coming from the TV" into to include some negative space in the frame. 

For this since I'm out of town and don't have new photos to work with, I may either conjure something up in photoshop or post a larger image of the profile picture to maintain the once a week activity. Next week since I'll have storyboards, props, and even footage, I'll have more material to work with. I'd likely first post a couple behind the scenes photos, and then move into making specific posts that highlight certain characters or props. 

Toward the end of the social media cycle I do want to post some mini teases and even some of the clips that will play on the TV, like the commercial for the remote or highlights from the Trent Marley show.

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